Safety, Health & Wellbeing

Our number one priority
At Manor Fresh, Safety, Health & Wellbeing are our number one priority over everything else. We are committed to providing a safe working environment for all colleagues. We follow the Vision Zero strategy: our vision is that all occupational accidents, harm and diseases are preventable.
We aim to build a culture of prevention that integrates safety, health & wellbeing at work and to include all staff throughout the business to build this culture.
Stopping Unsafe Acts and Unsafe Conditions prevents Accidents
Our aim is to stop all Unsafe Acts and Unsafe Conditions as these are controllable, and this will prevent future Near Misses or Accidents. We want all colleagues to be a part of this process and to all take credit for making Manor Fresh a safe place to work.

We care about Wellbeing
Wellbeing is a concept that can broadly be defined as an individual’s perspective on their quality of life. We factor in issues like physical and mental health as well as an individual’s feeling of personal development when establishing what their employees’ current wellbeing is.
As such a large percentage of an employee’s life is spent at work, employers should pay attention to how they can improve an employee’s life.
Some examples of Wellbeing Initiatives we support are:
- Smoking-cessation: a campaign to encourage colleagues to quit smoking.
- Nutrition and exercise: encouraging colleagues to adopt healthier lifestyles.
Safety is the state of being "safe", the condition of being protected from harm or other danger. Safety can also refer to the control of recognized hazards in order to achieve an acceptable level of risk.
At Manor Fresh our key drivers for improvement are the “7 Golden Rules of Vision Zero” and this is what we base all our commitment too when driving this culture of safety.

Vision Zero 7 Golden Rules
“Vision Zero” is a transformational approach to prevention that integrates the three dimensions of safety, health and well-being at all levels of work.
Take leadership
Demonstrate commitment!
Identify Hazards
Control risks
Define Targets
Develop programmes
Ensure a safe and healthy system
Be well-organised
Ensure safety
Ensure safety and health in machines, equipment and workplaces
Improve qualifications
Develop competence
Invest in people
Motivate by participation
We put Safety, Health & Wellbeing 1st
To achieve and maintain safe and healthy environments we need to identify, assess and control potential hazards and risks across a range of areas including workplace safety, environmental health, occupational health, public health, and product safety.
As a company the Senior Leadership Team are committed to continuous improvement for all aspects of Safety, Health & Wellbeing and lead meetings with this subject.
Key messages
Safety is a feeling of security where we can work without fear of danger or injury.
Health refers to our general Wellbeing.
Wellbeing refers to an individual’s perspective of their quality of life.